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10 Model Ensemble, 30 Year Named Climate Period Average Precipitation

This dataset contains a 30-year average of annual average precipitation across all ten models and two greenhouse gas (RCP) scenarios in the ten model ensemble.  Three named time periods are included “Historic Baseline (1961-1990)”, “Mid-Century (2035-2064)”, and “End of Century (2070-2099).” The downscaling and selection of models for inclusion in ten and four model ensembles is described in Pierce et al. 2018, but summarized here. Thirty two global climate models (GCMs) were identified to meet the modeling requirements. From those, ten that closely simulate California’s climate were selected for additional analysis (Table 1, Pierce et al. 2018) and to form a ten model ensemble. These data were downloaded from Cal-Adapt and prepared for use within CA Nature by California Natural Resource Agency and ESRI staff. Cal-Adapt. (2018). LOCA Derived Data [GeoTIFF]. Data derived from LOCA Downscaled CMIP5 Climate Projections. Cal-Adapt website developed by University of California at Berkeley’s Geospatial Innovation Facility under contract with the California Energy Commission. Retrieved  from https://cal-adapt.org/ Pierce, D. W., J. F. Kalansky, and D. R. Cayan, (Scripps Institution of Oceanography). 2018. Climate, Drought, and Sea Level Rise Scenarios for the Fourth California Climate Assessment. California’s Fourth Climate Change Assessment, California Energy Commission. Publication Number: CNRA-CEC-2018-006.

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