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Band-tailed Pigeon Surveys Generalized - CDFW [ds889]

Band-tailed Pigeons (Patagioenas fasciata) are Californias only native wild pigeon. The birds in California are part of the Pacific Coast population (P. f. monilis), and inhabit montane coniferous forests and oak woodlands in the Coast Ranges and western Sierra Nevada (Keppie and Braun 2000). Though some populations appear to be resident, the species is generally considered migratory (Smith 1968). Breeding occurs in the coniferous forests of California, Oregon and Washington (Blackmon 1976; Keppie and Braun 2000; Smith 1968). These birds are characterized by slate gray to purple plumage with males having a deeper purple coloration. There is a bright white crescent on the hindneck of adults with a patch of greenish bronze iridescent patch below (Keppie and Braun 2000). A k-selected species, Band-tailed Pigeons have the lowest reproductive potential of any game bird in California (Grinnell 1913). Breeding peaks in May/ June and extends through the summer, with usually not more than 1 nesting attempt per season and a typical clutch size of 1 egg, though larger numbers of nesting attempts and eggs per clutch have been reported (Keppie and Braun 2000; Leonard 1998). Feeding is variable and dependent on fruit/mast availability. During the non-breeding season, birds are nomadic and localize to acorn masting events. Birds have been documented feeding on fresh buds in spring then moving into elderberries, cascara, madrone and other fruits. In fall and into winter, acorns are taken whole (Keppie and Braun 2000). Pacific Coast Band-tailed pigeons continue to experience long term population declines. Harvest independent population monitoring comes from the Breeding Bird Survey and the Mineral Site Survey. The Breeding Bird Survey provides evidence of a significant downward population trend of 2.0% per year over a term from 1968-2012. Mineral Site Survey results show downward trends but 9 and 5 year trend confidence intervals include zero and are therefore considered inconclusive (Sanders 2012). The Mineral Site Survey is coordinated by the USFWS and is a cooperative effort amongst California, Oregon, Washington and British Columbia (via the Canadian Wildlife Service). The survey takes advantage of the birds habit of congregating at springs and seeps that have high levels of mineral content. Fifty sites are surveyed annually; 10 in California, 22 in Oregon, 14 in Washington and 4 in British Columbia (Sanders 2012). The results of this survey are used to index the band-tailed pigeon population at the population level. These data describe the location of the 10 sites required for the flyway survey as well as additional sites that are surveyed if possible to improve precision. Coordinates of locations are available and may be distributed upon request and written justification of need.

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