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Data Dictionary-California_Wellness_Plan


Published by:
California Department of Public Health
Last updated:
February 15, 2025
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The purpose of the California Wellness Plan (CWP) Data Reference Guide (Reference Guide) is to provide access to the lowest-level data for each CWP Objective; lowest-level data source, instructions to access data, and additional details are described. Some CWP Objectives do not have program leads, data sources, baselines, and/or targets, but are included because they were a result of CDPH program or partner input and were felt to be important to the reduction of chronic disease incidence, prevalence, and health disparities. Agencies, programs and/or partners identified with an objective may be either data stewards and/or engaged in activities to achieve the target, but may not have adequate resources for statewide activities. Developmental Objectives will be updated as information becomes available. Background: The California Wellness Plan, California's Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Plan was released February 2014 by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH). The overarching goal of CWP is Equity in Health and Wellbeing; additional CWP Goals include: 1) Healthy Communities, 2) Optimal Health Systems Linked with Community Prevention, 3) Accessible and Usable Health Information, and 4) Prevention Sustainability and Capacity. All CWP objectives fall under the framework of Let's Get Healthy California Task Force priorities. [California Wellness Plan](https://archive.cdph.ca.gov/programs/cdcb/Documents/CDPH-CAWellnessPlan2014%20(Agency%20Approved)%20FINAL%202-27-14(Protected)%20rev%20(8).pdf) Green text in the “Objective” column indicates updates that were made to the California Wellness Plan objectives in 2016.

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