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California Groundwater Elevation Monitoring (CASGEM) Program

Since 2009, the [California Statewide Groundwater Elevation Monitoring (CASGEM) Program](https://water.ca.gov/programs/groundwater-management/groundwater-elevation-monitoring--casgem) has tracked seasonal and long-term groundwater elevation trends in groundwater basins statewide. The program’s mission is to establish a permanent, locally-managed program of regular and systematic monitoring in all of California's alluvial groundwater basins. Senate Bill x7-6, passed by the legislature in 2009, established collaboration between local monitoring parties and DWR to collect statewide groundwater elevations, to be made available to the public. In response to the law, we developed the CASGEM program. Collecting and evaluating these groundwater data on a statewide scale is a fundamental step toward improving management of California's groundwater resources. The CASGEM program relies and builds upon the many previously established local long-term groundwater monitoring and management programs. Our role is to coordinate the CASGEM program, to work cooperatively with local entities, and to maintain the collected elevation data in a readily and widely available public database.

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Supporting files

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Frequently Asked Questions Related to the CASGEM Program

This document provided answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) regarding the CASGEM Program.


CASGEM Monitoring Plan Summary

This CASGEM Monitoring Plan Summary describes the basic components of what should be included in a CASGEM monitoring plan.


CASGEM Groundwater Elevation Monitoring Guidelines

This document contains the Groundwater Elevation Monitoring Guidelines that were developed to assist DWR by establishing criteria for the selection and measurement of monitoring wells in the event that DWR is required to perform the groundwater monitoring functions in lieu of a local monitoring agency pursuant to Water Code Section 10933.5(a).


CASGEM Alternative Monitoring Plan Fact Sheet

This document is a fact sheet regarding CASGEM Alternative Monitoring Plans.


CASGEM Online System - Wells

As many as two million water wells tap California’s groundwater, with approximately 7,000 to 15,000 new wells constructed each year. They range from hand-dug, shallow wells to carefully designed large-production wells drilled to great depths. The Wells User Guide will teach you how to search for wells and view details for the well selected without requiring you to sign into the CASGEM Online System.


CASGEM Online System - Well Directory Guide

The Well Directory User Guide will teach you how to associate well(s) that are not assigned to your organization through the CAGSEM Online system.


CASGEM Online System - Add New Well Guide

The Add New Well User Guide will teach you how to add new wells to the CASGEM Online System. The California State Groundwater Elevation Monitoring (CASGEM) Program’s mission is to establish a permanent, locally-managed program of regular and systematic monitoring in all of California's alluvial groundwater basins. The CASGEM Program also encourages the submittal of groundwater monitoring data from areas outside of alluvial groundwater basins to support local management and drought monitoring efforts.


CASGEM Online System - Edit Well Guide

The Edit Well User Guide will teach you how to edit the details of an existing well and save it to the CASGEM Online System. The California State Groundwater Elevation Monitoring (CASGEM) Program’s mission is to establish a permanent, locally-managed program of regular and systematic monitoring in all of California's alluvial groundwater basins. The CASGEM Program also encourages the submittal of groundwater monitoring data from areas outside of alluvial groundwater basins to support local management and drought monitoring efforts.


CASGEM Online System - Elevation Readings Guide

The Elevation Readings User Guide will teach you how to view details for the reading selected without requiring you to sign into the CASGEM Online System. The California State Groundwater Elevation Monitoring (CASGEM) Program’s mission is to establish a permanent, locally-managed program of regular and systematic monitoring in all of California's alluvial groundwater basins. The CASGEM Program also encourages the submittal of groundwater monitoring data from areas outside of alluvial groundwater basins to support local management and drought monitoring efforts.


CASGEM Online System - Add New Reading Guide

The Add New Reading User Guide will teach you how to add a new reading to the CASGEM Online System. The California State Groundwater Elevation Monitoring (CASGEM) Program’s mission is to establish a permanent, locally-managed program of regular and systematic monitoring in all of California's alluvial groundwater basins. The CASGEM Program also encourages the submittal of groundwater monitoring data from areas outside of alluvial groundwater basins to support local management and drought monitoring efforts.


CASGEM Online System - Edit Reading Guide

The Edit Reading User Guide will teach you how to edit an existing reading and save it to the CASGEM Online System.


CASGEM Online System - Data Imports Page Guide

The Data Imports User Guide will teach you how to search for well or elevation imported files and view details for a file selected within the Import Detail pane after signing into the CASGEM Online System.


CASGEM Online System - Elevation Readings Import Page Guide

The Elevation Readings Import Page User Guide will teach you how to resolve the data validation errors and submit the import for final saving to the CASGEM database.


CASGEM Online System - Add Import - Elevation Readings Guide

The Add Import Elevation Readings User Guide will teach you how to populate the downloaded Excel Import Template and use the Data Import feature to bulk upload groundwater elevation data into the CASGEM Online System.


CASGEM Online System - Wells Import Page Guide

The Wells Import Page User Guide will teach you how to identify data validation errors and submit the import for final saving to the CASGEM database.


CASGEM Online System - Add Import Wells Guide

The Add Import Wells User Guide will teach you how to populate the downloaded Excel Import Template and use the Data Import feature to bulk upload the Well data into the CASGEM Online System.


CASGEM Online System - Add History Guide

The Add History User Guide will teach you how to add a new history record to the CASGEM Online System.


CASGEM Online System - Edit History Guide

The Edit History User Guide will teach you how to edit the details of an existing history record and save to the CASGEM Online System.


CASGEM Online System - Reference Point and Ground Surface History Guide

The Reference Point/Ground Surface History User Guide will teach you how to view Reference Point/Ground Surface Elevation History details of the well without requiring you to sign into the CASGEM Online System.


API endpoint

Dataset Name

Use the query web API to retrieve data with a set of basic parameters. Copy the API endpoint you need to start.

Usage documentation