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California Independent Living and Traumatic Brain Injury Center Locations

This dataset include individual locations of the Independent Living Section of the Department of Rehabilitation (DOR). Independent Living Centers (ILC) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) locations are dedicated to the ideal that communities become fully accessible and integrated so that all persons with disabilities can live, work, shop, and play where they choose, without barriers. This data is public information and also shared on the DOR website.

Data files

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California Independent Living and Traumatic Brain Injury Center Locations (CSV)

This dataset include individual locations of the Independent Living Section of the Department of Rehabilitation (DOR). Independent Living Centers (ILC) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) locations are dedicated to the ideal that communities become fully accessible and integrated so that all persons with disabilities can live, work, shop, and play where they choose, without barriers. This data is public information and also shared on the DOR website.


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Supporting files

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This dataset include individual locations of the Independent Living Section of the Department of Rehabilitation (DOR). Independent Living Centers (ILC) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) locations are dedicated to the ideal that communities become fully accessible and integrated so that all persons with disabilities can live, work, shop, and play where they choose, without barriers. This data is public information and also shared on the DOR website.


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