California State Assembly Districts Map 2020
Final approved map by the 2020 California Citizens Redistricting Commission for the California State Assembly; the authoritative and official delineations of the California State Assembly drawn during the 2020 redistricting cycle. The Citizens Redistricting Commission for the State of California has created statewide district maps for the State Assembly, State Senate, State Board of Equalization, and United States Congress in accordance, with the provisions of Article XXI of the California Constitution. The Commission has approved the final maps and certified them to the Secretary of State.Line drawing criteria included population equality as required by the U.S. Constitution, the Federal Voting Rights Act, geographic contiguity, geographic integrity, geographic compactness, and nesting. Geography was defined by U.S. Census Block geometry.80 Assembly districts have an ideal population of around 500,000 people each, and in consideration of population equality, the Commission chose to limit the population deviation range to as close to zero percent as practicable. With these districts, the Commission was able to respect many local communities of interest and group similar communities; however, it was more difficult to keep densely populated counties, cities, neighborhoods, and larger communities of interest whole due to the district size and correspondingly smaller number allowable in the population deviation percentage.
Data files
Data title and description | Access data | File details | Last updated |
CSV | Download | CSV | 03/04/25 |
Shapefile | Download | ZIP | 03/04/25 |
GeoJSON | Download | GEOJSON | 03/04/25 |
KML | Download | KML | 03/04/25 |
Supporting files
Data title and description | Access data | File details | Last updated |
ArcGIS Hub Dataset | HTML | 03/04/25 | |
ArcGIS GeoService | ARCGIS GEOSERVICES REST API | 03/04/25 |