Dry Domestic Well Susceptibility (Technical Notes)
DWR, in coordination with the State Water Resources Control Board, has developed an interactive dashboard, called the [Dry Domestic Well Susceptibility within Groundwater Basins Dashboard](https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/f2b252d15a0d4e49887ba94ac17cc4bb#ref-n-aoS5Sy) (Dry Well Susceptibility Dashboard), to identify areas within groundwater basins throughout the State that may be prone to water supply shortages due to domestic drinking water wells going dry. The dashboard identifies the density of "susceptible” domestic wells per square mile based on recent groundwater level measurements and modeled future depth to water. If the modeled future depth to water falls below the dry well depth of a domestic well, the well is labelled susceptible. The Dry Well Susceptibility Dashboard is housed on the California’s Groundwater Live web-based platform which contains the latest information and data on groundwater conditions across the State. The State, local agencies, and well owners can use this dashboard to anticipate where wells may be susceptible to inform drought preparedness decision-making and resource allocation. If you are currently experiencing a dry domestic well, you can report that to DWR’s [Dry Well Reporting System](www.mydrywell.ca.gov) which will connect you with available local assistance. The query for domestic wells was based on DWR’s Online System for Well Completion Reports (OSWCR). Well uses that are specified on well completion reports have been grouped into domestic wells (See attribute 'B118WellUse'). The complete Well Completion Report Dataset is available at https://data.cnra.ca.gov/dataset/well-completion-reports. The complete DWR Periodic Groundwater Levels dataset is available at https://data.cnra.ca.gov/dataset/periodic-groundwater-level-measurements. This service is under development as part of ongoing enhancements to CalGW Live. Once the format is finalized, the service will be hosted at https://gis.water.ca.gov/arcgis/rest/services/. _DWR makes no warranties or guarantees — either expressed or implied — as to the completeness, accuracy, or correctness of the data. DWR neither accepts nor assumes liability arising from or for any incorrect, incomplete, or misleading subject data._ _This dashboard and the underlying analysis provide a density map of domestic wells that are susceptible to going dry if recent groundwater trends continue. The map can be used to evaluate the relative density distribution within groundwater basins. However, the map should not be used to estimate the absolute number of domestic wells that are susceptible to going dry for any area or groundwater level scenario. While the applied groundwater level scenario is based on best available datasets, the scenario is hypothetical, and is chosen to resolve regional differences in the density of domestic wells that are susceptible to going dry. Available groundwater level data are interpolated and projected to domestic wells locations. To achieve near statewide coverage for this analysis, groundwater level measurements are projected up to 10 miles in areas where no local monitoring exists. Filling these groundwater level data gaps with new monitoring stations will improve the reliability of the Dry Well Susceptibility Analysis. The applied model for the depth at which a domestic well is susceptible to going dry is simplified and uncalibrated and is not intended to represent any specific well failure mode. Future calibration of this model, and consideration of well construction details will improve the reliability of the Dry Well Susceptibility Analysis._