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COVID-19 in Local Juvenile Detention Facilities

Testing and outcomes data in local juvenile detention facilities.

Data files

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COVID-19 in Local Juvenile Detention Facilities

Testing and outcomes data in local juvenile detention facilities.

1.29 MB

Supporting files

Data title and descriptionAccess dataFile detailsLast updated

Data Dictionary for COVID-19 in Local Juvenile Detention Facilities

Data Dictionary for COVID-19 in Local Juvenile Detention Facilities

10.99 KB

More details

Additional information

Limitations: The BSCC makes every effort to screen the data submitted by each county for accuracy. Any data point that the county is unable to report will be indicated with a "U". Optional data fields left blank are not applicable. If a county does not submit data for the week, it will be indicated with "No Data Reported". Data Caveats: Individuals are strongly encouraged to review these data caveats and the Resources prior to viewing the data and drawing any conclusions from the data. · Values between 1 and 10 are reported as “<11”. This masking procedure is in accordance with public health de-identification guidelines to protect individual privacy. · Since the actual values are not available, data across counties cannot be summed to obtain statewide totals. Similarly, cumulative totals within a county are not calculated. · Due to the diversity of counties (e.g., resources, population, facilities), comparisons between counties should not be made. · Some counties are unable to report youth/inmate data at the facility-level. For these counties, the data are reported at the county-level.

Geographic coverage location

California and counties within California


Local Detention Facility (county facility)



Data standard


API endpoint

Dataset Name

Use the query web API to retrieve data with a set of basic parameters. Copy the API endpoint you need to start.

Usage documentation