Groundwater Basin Boundary Descriptions - Colorado River Region (7-XXX Basins)
This dataset includes the official groundwater basin boundary descriptions for California's 515 groundwater basins. To make locating descriptions easier, they have been organized by region. This resource contains descriptions for basins that start with the number seven (7-XXX) indicating they are located in the Colorado River Region
Data files
Supporting files
Data title and description | Access data | File details | Last updated |
7-001_Lanfair Valley_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Lanfair Valley (7-001) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-002_Fenner Valley_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Fenner Valley (7-002) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-003_Ward Valley_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Ward Valley (7-003) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-004_Rice Valley_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Rice Valley (7-004) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-005_Chuckwalla Valley_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Chuckwalla Valley (7-005) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-006_Pinto Valley_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Pinto Valley (7-006) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-007_Cadiz Valley_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Cadiz Valley (7-007) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-008_Bristol Valley_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Bristol Valley (7-008) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-009_Dale Valley_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Dale Valley (7-009) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-010_Twentynine Palms Valley_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Twentynine Palms Valley (7-010) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-011_Copper Mountain Valley_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Copper Mountain Valley (7-011) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-012_Warren Valley_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Warren Valley (7-012) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-013.01_Deadman Valley_Deadman Lake_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Deadman Valley - Deadman Lake (7-013.01) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-013.02_Deadman Valley_Surprise Spring_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Deadman Valley - Surprise Spring (7-013.02) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-014_Lavic Valley_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Lavic Valley (7-014) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-015_Bessemer Valley_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Bessemer Valley (7-015) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-016_Ames Valley_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Ames Valley (7-016) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-017_Means Valley_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Means Valley (7-017) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-018.01_Johnson Valley_Soggy Lake_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Johnson Valley - Soggy Lake (7-018.01) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-018.02_Johnson Valley_Upper Johnson Valley_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Johnson Valley - Upper Johnson Valley (7-018.02) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-019_Lucerne Valley_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Lucerne Valley (7-019) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-020_Morongo Valley_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Morongo Valley (7-020) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-021.01_Coachella Valley_Indio_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Coachella Valley - Indio (7-021.01) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-021.02_Coachella Valley_Mission Creek_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Coachella Valley - Mission Creek (7-021.02) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-021.03_Coachella Valley_Desert Hot Springs_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Coachella Valley - Desert Hot Springs (7-021.03) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-021.04_Coachella Valley_San Gorgonio Pass_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Coachella Valley - San Gorgonio Pass (7-021.04) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-022_West Salton Sea_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the West Salton Sea (7-022) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-024.01_Borrego Valley_Borrego Springs_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Borrego Valley - Borrego Springs (7-024.01) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-024.02_Borrego Valley_Ocotillo Wells_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Borrego Valley - Ocotillo Wells (7-024.02) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-025_Ocotillo-Clark Valley_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Ocotillo-Clark Valley (7-025) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-026_Terwilliger Valley_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Terwilliger Valley (7-026) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-027_San Felipe Valley_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the San Felipe Valley (7-027) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-028_Vallecito-Carrizo Valley_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Vallecito-Carrizo Valley (7-028) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-029_Coyote Wells Valley_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Coyote Wells Valley (7-029) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-030_Imperial Valley_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Imperial Valley (7-030) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-031_Orocopia Valley_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Orocopia Valley (7-031) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-032_Chocolate Valley_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Chocolate Valley (7-032) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-033_East Salton Sea_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the East Salton Sea (7-033) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-034_Amos Valley_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Amos Valley (7-034) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-035_Ogilby Valley_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Ogilby Valley (7-035) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-036_Yuma Valley_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Yuma Valley (7-036) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-037_Arroyo Seco Valley_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Arroyo Seco Valley (7-037) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-038_Palo Verde Valley_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Palo Verde Valley (7-038) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-039_Palo Verde Mesa_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Palo Verde Mesa (7-039) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-040_Quien Sabe Point Valley_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Quien Sabe Point Valley (7-040) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-041_Calzona Valley_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Calzona Valley (7-041) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-042_Vidal Valley_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Vidal Valley (7-042) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-043_Chemehuevi Valley_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Chemehuevi Valley (7-043) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-044_Needles Valley_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Needles Valley (7-044) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-045_Piute Valley_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Piute Valley (7-045) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-046_Canebrake Valley_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Canebrake Valley (7-046) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-047_Jacumba Valley_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Jacumba Valley (7-047) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-048_Helendale Fault Valley_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Helendale Fault Valley (7-048) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-049_Pipes Canyon Fault Valley_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Pipes Canyon Fault Valley (7-049) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-050_Iron Ridge Area_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Iron Ridge Area (7-050) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-051_Lost Horse Valley_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Lost Horse Valley (7-051) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-052_Pleasant Valley_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Pleasant Valley (7-052) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-053_Hexie Mountain Area_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Hexie Mountain Area (7-053) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-054_Buck Ridge Fault Valley_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Buck Ridge Fault Valley (7-054) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-055_Collins Valley_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Collins Valley (7-055) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-056_Yaqui Well Area_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Yaqui Well Area (7-056) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-059_Mason Valley_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Mason Valley (7-059) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-061_Davies Valley_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Davies Valley (7-061) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-062_Joshua Tree_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Joshua Tree (7-062) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 | |
7-063_Vandeventer Flat_BasinBoundaryDescription This file contains the official basin boundary description for the Vandeventer Flat (7-063) groundwater basin. | PDF | 08/11/23 |