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Housing Element Compliance Report

California requires that all local governments (cities and counties) adequately plan to meet the housing needs of everyone in the community. California’s local governments meet this requirement by adopting housing plans as part of their “general plan”. General plans serve as the local government’s "blueprint" for how the city and/or county will grow and develop and include eight elements: land use, transportation, conservation, noise, open space, safety, environmental justice, and housing. The Housing Element Compliance Report provides current Housing Element Compliance Status. Additional information about Housing Elements can be found on HCD’s website here: https://www.hcd.ca.gov/planning-and-community-development/housing-elements.

Data files

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Housing Element Compliance Report

34.11 KB

Supporting files

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Data Dictionary Housing Element Compliance Report

76.90 KB

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Every effort is made to ensure that the information in these reports is complete and up to date. Please contact HCD regarding concerns relating to the accuracy of any listing. Compliant housing elements are required to qualify for funding from many state and federal housing programs.

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