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Interagency Ecological Program: Discrete dissolved oxygen monitoring in the Stockton Deep Water Ship Channel, collected by the Environmental Monitoring Program, 1997-2018

The Interagency Ecological Program’s (IEP) Environmental Monitoring Program (EMP) has historically monitored discrete water quality and nutrients in the San Francisco Estuary. The objectives of the EMP are to: (1) obtain consistent and accurate monthly data at established monitoring stations, (2) to provide and document information necessary to achieve compliance with salinity, flow, and dissolved oxygen standards, and (3) to report this information for the purpose of management and conservation of the upper San Francisco Estuary. This dataset is a subset of the larger EMP dataset that includes discrete water quality data collected from 2000-2018. Beginning in 2000, 11 stations were sampled for a full suite of water quality analytes while the remaining 11 were sampled for chlorophyll a and pheophytin a only, totaling 22 stations sampled each month. By 2018, that number increased to 28 stations sampled each month with the full suite of water quality analytes collected at every station. The EMP collects discrete water quality measurements 1-meter below the surface of the water and 1-meter above the bottom of the channel during high slack tide. Over the period of record, the following water quality parameters have been added: pH, total organic carbon, dissolved organic carbon, dissolved calcium, a rating score for the blue-green algae, Microcystis aeruginosa, and near bottom measurements.

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Interagency Ecological Program: Discrete dissolved oxygen monitoring in the Stockton Deep Water Ship Channel, collected by the Environmental Monitoring Program, 1997-2018

Dissolved oxygen levels in the Stockton Deep Water Ship Chanel (SDWSC) have been monitored since 1968 by the Interagency Ecological Program's (IEP) Environmental Monitoring Program (EMP). The SDWSC is located on the San Joaquin River near Stockton, California. Beginning in 1997, 14 stations were routinely monitored typically in summer and fall. Dissolved oxygen impairment can occur in the SDWSC; therefore, two water quality objectives were established. The objectives of the dissolved oxygen monitoring study in the SDWSC are to: (1) determine if dissolved oxygen levels comply with the water quality objectives, (2) monitor long term trends, and (3) detect and document changes along the SDWSC. The EMP collects discrete dissolved oxygen readings near the surface and bottom of the water column during ebb slack tide. The 14 stations are located between Prisoner's Point on the San Joaquin River and ends at the terminus of the channel called Turning Basin. The site locations were selected at the channel markers on the San Joaquin River; therefore, may be referred as station number or channel marker they are located at. Dissolved oxygen and water temperature were recorded 1-meter below surface and 1-meter above the bottom of the channel. Over the period of record the following water quality parameters have been added: water temperature, specific conductance, pH, fluorescence, turbidity, secchi disk and a rating score for the blue-green algae, Microcystis aeruginosa.


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