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Number of Individuals Transitioned from Covered California Qualified Health Plans to Medi-Cal

This dataset includes the number of individuals transitioned from Covered California Qualified Health Plan (QHP) eligibility to Medi-Cal enrollment commencing with the 2016 Quarter 4 Report. The individuals in this dataset represent Covered California clients, regardless of QHP enrollment status, who are in a Carry Forward Status (CFS) after reporting a change making them potentially eligible for MAGI Medi-Cal during a reporting period. The total number of individuals transitioned from Covered California includes Medi-Cal eligible individuals who did not have Medi-Cal eligibility in the month prior to the reporting period. This is a new dataset as a result of implementing the Covered California QHP Carry Forward Status indicator in release 16.9 and is part of public reporting requirements set forth by the California Welfare and Institutions Code 14102.5.

Data files

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Number of Individuals Transitioned from Covered California QHPs to Medi-Cal Program

This dataset includes the number of individuals transitioned from Covered California Qualified Health Plan (QHP) eligibility to Medi-Cal enrollment commencing with the 2016 Quarter 4 Report. The individuals in this dataset represent Covered California clients, regardless of QHP enrollment status, who are in a Carry Forward Status (CFS) after reporting a change making them potentially eligible for MAGI Medi-Cal during a reporting period. The total number of individuals transitioned from Covered California includes Medi-Cal eligible individuals who did not have Medi-Cal eligibility in the month prior to the reporting period. This is a new dataset as a result of implementing the Covered California QHP Carry Forward Status indicator in release 16.9 and is part of public reporting requirements set forth by the California Welfare and Institutions Code 14102.5.


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