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Southern California Nested Reconstructions


Published by:
California Department of Water Resources
Last updated:
July 2, 2024
File details:
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Nested reconstructions of full natural flow or precipitation for Southern California river basins based on splicing of [sub-period reconstructions](https://data.cnra.ca.gov/dataset/paleo-dendrochronology-tree-ring-hyrdo-climatic-reconstructions/resource/19e364e8-9b18-4531-9a7b-601e1d464db5) "Rec2" and "Rec3". The interval from Low 50% to Up 50% is the 50% confidence interval for the reconstructed value. Full details can be found in the [Southern California Tree-Ring Study - Meko et al. 2017 report](https://data.cnra.ca.gov/dataset/paleo-dendrochronology-tree-ring-hyrdo-climatic-reconstructions/resource/e5ce4952-9a80-4715-8e4b-91dd0de03ddd).

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