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Pennels Birds-beak Monitoring Plan - Harrison Grade Ecological Reserve

Pennell’s bird’s-beak (Cordylanthus tenuis ssp. capillaris) is a California-listed rare, and federally-endangered plant that is endemic to Sonoma County California and has a narrow distribution. Pennell’s bird’s-beak is restricted to soils derived from serpentinite and is found in association with closed-cone coniferous forest and chaparral vegetation. A Pennell’s bird’s-beak population occurs at and near the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) Harrison Grade Ecological Reserve (Reserve). The Reserve is approximately 34 acres, however Pennell’s bird’s-beak is only found in a few localized areas of the reserve, typically in areas that have experienced historical disturbances. Monitoring of Pennell’s bird’s-beak at the reserve has consisted (1) a census of Pennell’s bird’s-beak plants within one small monitoring plot (Plot A), (2) taking photographs at three specific locations (Photopoints A-C), and (3) periodic and opportunistic mapping of the distribution of Pennell’s bird’s-beak at the Reserve (GIS data is not included in this dataset). The monitoring photograph files are named with a unique identifier (e.g. "Aa") followed by a date in the format YYYYMMDD. This data and metadata were submitted by California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) Staff though the Data Management Plan (DMP) framework with the id: DMP000051. For more information, please visit https://wildlife.ca.gov/Data/Sci-Data.

Data files

Data title and descriptionAccess dataFile detailsLast updated

DMP-000051 Monitoring Data.zip

Pennell’s bird’s-beak (Cordylanthus tenuis ssp. capillaris) is a California-listed rare, and federally-endangered plant that is endemic to Sonoma County California and has a narrow distribution. Pennell’s bird’s-beak is restricted to soils derived from serpentinite and is found in association with closed-cone coniferous forest and chaparral vegetation. A Pennell’s bird’s-beak population occurs at and near the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) Harrison Grade Ecological Reserve (Reserve). The Reserve is approximately 34 acres, however Pennell’s bird’s-beak is only found in a few localized areas of the reserve, typically in areas that have experienced historical disturbances. Monitoring of Pennell’s bird’s-beak at the reserve has consisted (1) a census of Pennell’s bird’s-beak plants within one small monitoring plot (Plot A), (2) taking photographs at three specific locations (Photopoints A-C), and (3) periodic and opportunistic mapping of the distribution of Pennell’s bird’s-beak at the Reserve (GIS data is not included in this dataset). The monitoring photograph files are named with a unique identifier (e.g. "Aa") followed by a date in the format YYYYMMDD. This data and metadata were submitted by California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) Staff though the Data Management Plan (DMP) framework with the id: DMP000051. For more information, please visit https://wildlife.ca.gov/Data/Sci-Data.


Supporting files

Data title and descriptionAccess dataFile detailsLast updated

DMP-000051 Metadata Worksheet.xlsx

California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) Data Management Plan (DMP) metadata worksheet. For more information on scientific data in CDFW please visit https://wildlife.ca.gov/Data/Sci-Data.


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