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Retailers that Sold Tobacco to Underage Youth and Young Adults

This dataset includes two data tables that contain the percentage of licensed tobacco retailers that sold tobacco to underage youth and young adults: (1) Tobacco Sold to Youth Under 18, and (2) Tobacco Sold to Young Adults Under 21. The California Youth Tobacco Survey (YTPS), conducted between 1997 and 2018, assessed the rate of illegal tobacco sales to youth under the age of 18. Due to California raising the minimum legal sales age for tobacco products from 18 to 21 years old, YTPS was replaced with the Synar Tobacco Purchase Survey (STPS) in 2019. STPS is an annual survey that assesses the rate of illegal tobacco sales to young adults under the age of 21 years of age. Both surveys were conducted in accordance with the California’s Stop Tobacco Access to Kids Enforcement Act (STAKE Act) and the federal Synar Amendment.

Data files

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Tobacco Sold to Youth Under 18

This dataset includes two data tables that contain the percentage of licensed tobacco retailers that sold tobacco to underage youth and young adults: (1) Tobacco Sold to Youth Under 18, and (2) Tobacco Sold to Young Adults Under 21. The California Youth Tobacco Survey (YTPS), conducted between 1997 and 2018, assessed the rate of illegal tobacco sales to youth under the age of 18. Due to California raising the minimum legal sales age for tobacco products from 18 to 21 years old, YTPS was replaced with the Synar Tobacco Purchase Survey (STPS) in 2019. STPS is an annual survey that assesses the rate of illegal tobacco sales to young adults under the age of 21 years of age. Both surveys were conducted in accordance with the California’s Stop Tobacco Access to Kids Enforcement Act (STAKE Act) and the federal Synar Amendment.


Tobacco Sold to Young Adults Under 21

This dataset includes two data tables that contain the percentage of licensed tobacco retailers that sold tobacco to underage youth and young adults: (1) Tobacco Sold to Youth Under 18, and (2) Tobacco Sold to Young Adults Under 21. The California Youth Tobacco Survey (YTPS), conducted between 1997 and 2018, assessed the rate of illegal tobacco sales to youth under the age of 18. Due to California raising the minimum legal sales age for tobacco products from 18 to 21 years old, YTPS was replaced with the Synar Tobacco Purchase Survey (STPS) in 2019. STPS is an annual survey that assesses the rate of illegal tobacco sales to young adults under the age of 21 years of age. Both surveys were conducted in accordance with the California’s Stop Tobacco Access to Kids Enforcement Act (STAKE Act) and the federal Synar Amendment.


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Data Dictionary-Tobacco Sold to Youth Under 18

This data table contains the percentage of licensed tobacco retailers that sold tobacco to youth under the age of 18 from the California YTPS between 1997 and present. The California Youth Tobacco Purchase Survey (YTPS) is an annual survey that is conducted to gauge the rate of illegal tobacco sales to youth under the age of 18 across California, in accordance with California’s Stop Tobacco Access to Kids Enforcement Act (STAKE Act) and the federal Synar Amendment.


Tobacco Sold to Youth Narrative

This data table contains the percentage of licensed tobacco retailers that sold tobacco to youth under the age of 18 from the California YTPS between 1997 and present. The California Youth Tobacco Purchase Survey (YTPS) is an annual survey that is conducted to gauge the rate of illegal tobacco sales to youth under the age of 18 across California, in accordance with California’s Stop Tobacco Access to Kids Enforcement Act (STAKE Act) and the federal Synar Amendment.


Data Dictionary -Tobacco Sold to Young Adults Under 21


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