SF Bay Eelgrass (BCDC 2020)
This eelgrass layer includes the maximum extent of eelgrass beds that have been surveyed in the San Francisco Bay shown in green. It was created by merging the Bay-wide eelgrass surveys conducted by Merkel & Associates, Inc. (Merkel) in 2003, 2009, 2014, and a Richardson Bay survey conducted by Merkel in 2019. Merkel has granted permission for public use of these data. These eelgrass surveys represent the best available data on comprehensive eelgrass extent throughout San Francisco Bay in 2021 and are developed using a combination of acoustic and aerial surveys and site-specific ground truthing. This layer may be used as a reference to determine potential direct and indirect impacts to eelgrass habitat from dredging projects. These data do not replace the need for site-specific eelgrass surveys.Data from the 2003, 2009, and 2014 eelgrass surveys and associated Merkel reports which include information on mapping methodology are available for download on the San Francisco Estuary Institute’s (SFEI) website. Methods for creating this layer are as follows:Downloaded the Merkel Baywide Eelgrass Surveys for 2003, 2009, and 2014 from SFEI and combined into a single layer. Obtained original Richardson Bay 2019 eelgrass survey data from Merkel. Loaded all layers into ArcGIS Pro © ESRI and re-projected all data to the NAD 1983 UTM Zone 10N coordinate system. Ran union of both the SFEI and Richardson Bay 2019 layers. Merged features to create one single attribute table for eelgrass cover from all survey years. Removed extraneous columns in the attribute table, recalculated area fields based on new extent, and applied symbology.
Data files
Data title and description | Access data | File details | Last updated |
CSV | Download | CSV | 12/20/24 |
Shapefile | Download | ZIP | 12/20/24 |
GeoJSON | Download | GEOJSON | 12/20/24 |
KML | Download | KML | 12/20/24 |
File Geodatabase | Download | ZIP | 12/20/24 |
Feature Collection | Download | TXT | 12/20/24 |
Supporting files
Data title and description | Access data | File details | Last updated |
ArcGIS Hub Dataset | HTML | 09/30/24 | |
ArcGIS GeoService | ARCGIS GEOSERVICES REST API | 08/11/23 | |
Excel | XLSX | 12/20/24 | |
GeoPackage | GPKG | 12/20/24 | |
SQLite Geodatabase | GDB | 12/20/24 |