Surplus Land Act Notices of Availability Received
Notices of Availability of surplus locally owned land and description of each site/parcel. Notices are submitted to HCD by local public agencies (includes cities, counties, special districts, and certain other entities) disposing of land as per AB1486, pursuant to Government Code Section 54221. Data is self-reported by the local public agency. HCD does not independently verify information reported by agencies in their Notices of Availability.
Data files
Data title and description | Access data | File details | Last updated |
Notice List Notices of Availability of surplus locally owned land and description of each site/parcel. Notices are submitted to HCD by local public agencies (includes cities, counties, special districts, and certain other entities) disposing of land as per AB1486, pursuant to Government Code Section 54221. Data is self-reported by the local public agency. HCD does not independently verify information reported by agencies in their Notices of Availability. | Download | CSV 1.01 MB | 08/02/22 |
Supporting files
Data title and description | Access data | File details | Last updated |
Notice List Data Dictionary | DOCX 27.50 KB | 09/14/22 |
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