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Tehama County

Data Lens pages on California State Treasurer John Chiang's DebtWatch website offer users an easy, interactive way to track notable debt data findings and trends in graphical form. By default, data are offered for a 30-year window. You can narrow the time range by clicking and dragging the cursor on the sale date chart.  You can also select any column on any chart to filter all of the data. For example, if you select an issuer type column, all of the other charts will change to reflect data for just that issuer type, with a comparison to the total. By default, data are offered for the sum of principal amounts. You can use the dropdown arrow to sum on different categories. Although you can choose any category, the most meaningful are principal amounts, new money, and refunding amounts. You can also choose to view the data by the number of rows in our dataset. A data field may show no value if the debt issuer failed to provide the data, the data type did not apply to the debt issuance in question, or if the data was not collected at the time the issuance took place. 

Data files

No files available

API endpoint

Dataset Name

Use the query web API to retrieve data with a set of basic parameters. Copy the API endpoint you need to start.

Usage documentation