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SB X7-7 Targets for Urban Retail Water Suppliers


Published by:
California State Water Resources Control Board
Last updated:
January 6, 2025
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The Water Conservation Act of 2009 (Senate Bill X7-7) was enacted in November 2009 and required that all water suppliers increase their water use efficiency. Water Code section 10608.20 directed urban retail water suppliers (suppliers) to develop 2020 urban water use targets. This table contains the suppliers’ individual SB X7-7 targets. Because some suppliers deducted discrete demands from gross water use when calculating their 2020 urban water use targets, the table also contains the volume of those deducted demands, specifically for indirect recycled water and process water. Water Code section 10608.20(a)(1) and 10608.28 provided that suppliers may plan, comply, and report on a regional basis, individual basis, or both. Each group of water suppliers agreeing among themselves to plan, comply, and report as a region is referred to as a “regional alliance.” For those suppliers that took part in a regional alliance, this table also lists the regional alliance name and indicates whether the regional alliance has met its target. All data within this table were derived from the [2020 Urban Water Management Plans Open Data](https://data.ca.gov/dataset/2020-uwmp-data-export-tables), which were created using data submitted by suppliers to Department. Specifically, this table was created using the following fields: * Individual SB X7-7 target from Tab SB_X7-7_CF_Table_9, column K * Indirect recycled water volume from Tab SB_X7-7_CF_Table_4, column J * Process water volume from Tab SB_X7-7_CF_Table_4, column L * Recycled and process water units from Tab SB_X7-7_VF_Table_0, column F * Regional alliance name from Tab SB_X7-7_CF_Table_9 * Whether the regional alliance met its target Tab Regional_Alliance_Summary, column F As described in the [2020 Urban Water Management Guidebook](https://water.ca.gov/-/media/DWR-Website/Web-Pages/Programs/Water-Use-And-Efficiency/Urban-Water-Use-Efficiency/Urban-Water-Management-Plans/Final-2020-UWMP-Guidebook/UWMP-Guidebook-2020---Final-032921.pdf)[(Appendix P.3.2)](https://water.ca.gov/-/media/DWR-Website/Web-Pages/Programs/Water-Use-And-Efficiency/Urban-Water-Use-Efficiency/Urban-Water-Management-Plans/Final-2020-UWMP-Guidebook/Appendix-P---UWMP-2020.pdf), a supplier’s target may be updated if its service area has changed because of a consolidation, merger, annexation, expansion, or contraction. To learn more about this process, please e-mail [uwmphelp@water.ca.gov](mailto:uwmphelp@water.ca.gov).

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