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Published by:
California State Water Resources Control Board
Last updated:
January 6, 2025
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41.09 KB
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This dataset is a draft crosswalk, indicating which public water systems are owned and operated by which urban retail water suppliers. “Urban retail water supplier” means a water supplier, either publicly or privately owned, that directly provides potable municipal water to more than 3,000 end users or that supplies more than 3,000 acre-feet of potable water annually at retail for municipal purposes. The Department of Water Resources has assigned each Urban Retail Water Suppliers a unique "Organization Identification." Urban Retail Water Suppliers in California operate one or more public water systems. A “public water system” means a system for the provision of water for human consumption through pipes or other constructed conveyances. The State Water Resources Control Board has assigned each public water system a unique "public water system identification." This dataset connects each Supplier's "Organization Identification" number to its "public water system identification" number or numbers. Systems identified in this crosswalk may not be relevant to the water loss or "Conservation as a Way of Life" regulations. Contact [orpp-waterconservation@waterboards.ca.gov](mailto:orpp-waterconservation@waterboards.ca.gov) for any questions or corrections to this crosswalk.

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