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X-Ray Technologist Listing in California

This table represents a current listing of X-Ray Technologists who are licensed by Radiologic Health Branch (RHB) of the California Department of Public Health. RHB receives multiple requests for current listings of technologists via the Public Request Act. The data is collected via an internal database named Health Applications Licensing where all license applications and renewal information is stored and tracked. This data hopes to provide informational data for the public to utilize. The benefit of using this table is to provide the public a list of technologists in the State of California. The list will also assist scholars working on research projects who are seeking to compile a national database. This data table is an attempt to give the public a list of all active technologists in the State of California. The data is collected via an internal database named Health Applications Licencing where all license applications and renewal information is stored and tracked. Limitations include out of date listings since the field of technologist is rapidly increasing, an accurate list would need to be posted more frequently.

Data files

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X-Ray Technologist Listing in California (CSV)

This table represents a current listing of X-Ray Technologists who are licensed by Radiologic Health Branch (RHB) of the California Department of Public Health. RHB receives multiple requests for current listings of technologists via the Public Request Act. The data is collected via an internal database named Health Applications Licensing where all license applications and renewal information is stored and tracked. This data hopes to provide informational data for the public to utilize. The benefit of using this table is to provide the public a list of technologists in the State of California. The list will also assist scholars working on research projects who are seeking to compile a national database. This data table is an attempt to give the public a list of all active technologists in the State of California. The data is collected via an internal database named Health Applications Licencing where all license applications and renewal information is stored and tracked. Limitations include out of date listings since the field of technologist is rapidly increasing, an accurate list would need to be posted more frequently.


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